Sunday, October 6, 2013


Have you ever got into a situation where in after 21 years in existence,and almost 15 years of studying, you finally realized what you really want to achieve, what really your dream is??!!..

Yes, I just realized lately what I really want, :,(

I am not the type of person who already know what he/she wants to be in the future.

Remember you kinder garden days, wherein, every day you were obliged to recite in front of the class what you wanna become in the future, well, that's the hardest thing for me!!! haha, I don't know, every day, I am reciting different answer, Monday I want to be a Nurse Tuesday I want to be a Police Woman, Thursday I wanna be a Doctor, and so on,..

And even when I graduated high school, almost all of my classmates already took the college entrance exam but me, I'm still undecided of what course should I take, and in the last minute of enrollment , guess what,.. my Mom took me in a newly established training center and enrolled me to a Computer Science class,... WHATTT????????

And now, I am almost 4 years graduate, and I am still unemployed! Story of my life .... Well, my Dad is actually helping me to have a sideline at least , he is a superb Programmer and IT Admin as I know. haha, and I also know how disappointed he was for me, not becoming like as good and as successful like him!

Until recently, I become interested about makeup, yes, out of nowhere, it really caught my attention, and I just found myself wanting to be a Makeup Artist, Fashion Designer, all of that girly stuff, finally, I have a dream, and a goal that I want to achieve, but the problem is, I don't know how am  I going to tell this to my Dad, he is counting on me now, because I am working for him as his IT Secretary, and I don't want to him to be disappointed again.

What am I going to do?? HELP!!!!!

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